Paul Pierre

Photo courtesy of Pierre-Paul Pariseau     

Artist Spotlight: Pierre-Paul Pariseau

Pierre-Paul Pariseau

June 10, 2024


Pierre-Paul Pariseau has been doing illustrations for a multitude of publications in North America and Europe for many years now. He also regularly exhibits his personal work internationally. His art has been graced by many awards throughout his long career.

One of his works is part of the permanent collection of the Museum of Avant-Garde in Mendrisio, Switzerland, which reopens in 2025. In 2019, some of his illustrations were included in the book The Illustrator. 100 Best from Around the World, published by Taschen.


Why or how did you become an artist?

I studied computer science a long time ago but didn’t last long in the field because passion wasn’t there. I was doing art on the side (collage with paper, glue, scissors) so I decided to try to be an illustrator. As I succeeded, I persevered in this way until now. I am self-taught as an artist. I regularly exhibit my personal work internationally.

Can you describe your art style in a few words?

Mainly surreal. I think it is instantly recognizable.

What media/medium do you work in?

Collage and digital transformation.

What advice would you give to your younger self? What advice would you give to someone who would like to pursue art?

Listen, observe, look carefully and be interested in the cultural and social lives of the world around you and beyond. This will enrich your visual vocabulary and allow you to better translate your ideas and emotions. Consider your personal works as important as the commissions and vice versa, because they nourish each other.

What inspires you? Are there other artists or figures that inspire you?

At the beginning of my career I was inspired by surrealist artists, now from everything that surrounds me.

What is your favourite piece that you created so far?

Most of the time, the last one I just did. The pleasure and the surprise that I felt doing it is still in me.

What is your favourite artwork by another artist?

I love the work of René Magritte, especially Empire of Light.

What does art mean to you?

Freedom, self-discovery, pleasure, education.

What are your interests, hobbies, etc. outside of art?

Reading, bicycling, travelling, visiting exhibitions.

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